Marketing Analytics

Pre-Launch Website Checklist: Website Performance Tracking

If your marketing plan includes sending users to your website, you need to follow these steps to make sure that you have visibility into how that traffic performs against your goals.

Step 1: Set Measurable Goals

What can users do on your site? You want to track the most valuable actions so you know where to focus your marketing efforts. Here are some examples of the actions you want to track:

  • Online Purchase
  • Phone Call
  • Online Form Completion
  • Subscription
  • Link Clicks
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You’re most likely to hit your goals if you make them measurable. Answer the following questions for the best chance of a great campaign:

  1. How much of each of the above actions do you want per month?
  2. If you’re doing paid ads, how much do you want to spend for each action?
  3. At what rate do you close those types of leads?
  4. What’s your average order value and lifetime customer value?

These are all questions that your marketing contact at Ethical Digital can help talk you through. Your goals will help guide your marketing efforts to use the right kind of messaging in the right networks.

Step 2: Account Access

Your marketing team will need access to Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics in order to track these actions and provide accurate reporting. If you have them, you should grant them access. If you don’t, you should ask them to set it up and either give them access to your site so they can install it or otherwise be prepared to have your webmaster install it. Let’s discuss that.

First, check to see if you have these tools already installed on your site. Use Google Chrome and install this chrome app: Tag Assistant By Google

Once this is installed, go to your website and click the tag icon to see which Google tags are installed.

If) Yes, they’re installed.
Get your marketing team’s email addresses and give them the following access:

  • Google Tag Manager: Account “User” & Container “Publish” access
  • Google Analytics: Property-level “Edit” access

If) No, they’re not installed or I can’t get access.

  1. Ask your team to create the accounts and then give you access.
  2. Install Google Tag Manager on every page of your site using the codes your team sends you or give them access to your website so they can install it themselves.
  3. Google Analytics should be installed into your Tag Manager.

Step 3: Learn About Access Levels For These Tools

This video walks you through Step 2 of this article:

What’s Next?

Ethical Digital
Do It!

By Kevin Frei

Kevin Frei is an entrepreneur, paid media specialist, and intermittent nomad from Arizona. Ethical Digital is his third startup after and an online traffic school company. An avid traveler and economics hobbyist, Kevin's goal is to revolutionize the way service companies are organized so that more people can achieve the dream of professional (and locational) independence.

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