Digital Marketing

Love the One You’re With

If you’re happy with your current provider, great, stay with them. We’re about building relationships, not breaking them up.

All we ask is that when it comes time for you to evaluate their work and renew their contract, you give us a chance to present our offer. Because all digital marketing providers are doing the same stuff – we just do it better and cheaper.

We do it better by not outsourcing or automating the important stuff. We operate on principles of meritocracy and skin-in-the-game. This lets us attract top talent and weed out the slackers, and it keeps everyone aligned with the long-term interest of the client. The upshot is a deep bench of talented, motivated specialists ready to fulfill on any service.

We do it cheaper by cutting all the administrative fat. We are a network of professionals connected through a platform, so we have none of the overhead of a traditional agency. No office space, foosball tables, snack days, none of that. We prefer the freedom to work from home or by the beach, and those cost savings let us price our services a good 20-30% below market.

Our clients get a dashboard and a dedicated Account Manager. In addition to providing regular reports and recommendations, the Account Manager dictates strategy to the fulfillment team, making sure the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. We didn’t invent integrated marketing, but we are working to perfect it.

Breakups are hard, and we’re not into stealing clients. So don’t go dumping your current provider on our account. Just give us a chance when the timing is right. Hey, maybe we can even help your current provider serve you better. We are all about oppenness and building partnerships that benefit everyone.

When that time comes, you’ll know where to find us.


By Kevin Frei

Kevin Frei is an entrepreneur, paid media specialist, and intermittent nomad from Arizona. Ethical Digital is his third startup after and an online traffic school company. An avid traveler and economics hobbyist, Kevin's goal is to revolutionize the way service companies are organized so that more people can achieve the dream of professional (and locational) independence.

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